Bruce Weber Photographer Gives a General Introduction to Black and White Photography 

Bruce Weber Photographer Gives a General Introduction to Black and White Photography 

Black and white photography is a distinctive art form that considerably depends on restraining the eye to see monochromatic relationships in the surroundings. It takes a lot of practice and patience to become a pro in black and white photography. However, there definitely are many individuals who attain this feat, such as Bruce Weber Photographer. He has done celebrity portraiture and fashion work for Vogue, GQ, Vanity Fair, Elle, and more, mostly in black and white. 

Black and white images were exceptionally popular throughout the turn of the century. However, with time, advances in photography equipment and technology did make it possible to capture colored images.  But this does not mean that black and white photos became obsolete. In fact, a great number of people prefer charming black and white images than their colored counterparts. 

Today, a lot of people think that terms “black and white” and “monochrome” mean the same. But this is not the case. Monochrome photos implies to images that are composed of wholly different shades of the same color. Therefore, black and white images are invariably monochrome photos as they use different shades of gray. Black is the darkest shade of grey and white is the lightest one.  But this does not mean that all monochrome images are black and white. Monochrome photos can use shades of different hues as well. Cyanotype and sepia are two of the most popular styles of monochrome photos. The use shades of blue and reddish-brown respectively. 

While there is no such specialized equipment needed for black and white photography, one would definitely require a digital camera with monochrome settings. A mirror-less camera, a DSLR camera or even a good smartphone can be used to click such images.  Even though it is possible to take colored images and then apply a black and white filter, for better outcomes it is always better to shoot the original in black and white. This will allow the photographers to adjust the settings based on the needs of a black and white photo, and deliver more accurate result,, as the photographer would be in control of the image. They would be in position to adjust the contrast of dark and light, appearance of the shadows, and how the subject appears against the background, all in real-time. 

Good composition is the key to taking amazing black and white images. Composition basically refers to the placement of elements and objects in an image. One must always examine the composition properly while planning to click and image in black and white. Noting whether there are interesting shapes to play with for maximal contrast, finding ways to manipulate the background or foreground, and more can help in creating a more interesting black and white image. Inspiration for black and white composition can always be acquired through the work of Bruce Weber Photographer and more.

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